innovation camp - denmark

A real life challenge

Because of climate change, periodically large amounts of rainwater are an increasing problem in Denmark. That is why water management and innovative landscaping skills are needed in order to deal with wet surfaces in the cities, and turn them into sustainable living areas for citizens. This is a problem that Peter’s company faces quite often. International students are involved in raising awareness and working on finding solutions for the real life challenge of managing excessive amounts of rainwater. Mentoring teachers from Green Academy follow the process and steer the work towards plausible solution techniques. The entrepreneur collaborates by implementing the new-found solutions in an already existing project. The cooperation among students is crucial in order to find out the best possible solution and at the same time to encourage the students to reflect on their choices.

Peter Hjort from the green man company, the company in charge of the maintenance of the area used for this challenge, tells us about the real life challenges and different demands from the residents for the landscape and green areas in this interview.

Main Issues

Flooding makes simple sustainable gardening impossible.

Underlying Issues

Climate change is worsening the problem.


The ways to tackle this challenge are many and varied.


A ‘one size fits all’ solution is not an option, due to the buildings in the area housing different types of people. A more tailored solution approach is needed.​​

Climate challenges

Because of climate change, periodically large amounts of rainwater are an increasing problem in Denmark. More stress on the sewage and purification systems, combined with direct reuse of the stored water resources contributes to more non-sustainable energy consumption. We want to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles. Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development. Substantially increase the number of cities implementing integrated policies and plans towards resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals.